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What do the Technorati top ten blogs – Mashable, TechCrunch, Engadget & Gizmondo all have in common? Answer, they’re all run on the WordPress blogging platform.

We knew WordPress was popular and it is BlogStar’s blogging platform of choice, but the people over at Pingdom have taken the trouble to work out how many of the top 100 blogs use it, and tellingly, how that compares with three years ago.

The figures show that 48% of the top 100 now use WordPress compared to 32% three years ago. While there have been some new entrants – BlogSmith & Tumblr and some significant declines, Typepad, it’s clear that WordPress is set to dominate professional level blogging for some time to come.

We use WordPress for all the blogs we create for clients not just because it’s the biggest, but because we like its customisability, templates can be easily branded, it’s great for SEO, there are no end of plugins available and of course it’s open source, so the costs of development are containable.

A list of the top 100 blogs and the blogging platforms they use is available here on the on the Pingdom Blog.

If you’d like help with blog content or WordPress development, BlogStar would love to help.

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